Mr. Harish Khare, Media Adviser to Prime Minister of India, delivering a lecture on "Making the State Work" at University of Hyderabad on 14 th November, observed that the country's political apparatus has to be saved from the interference of Private parties and Market overlords, who dictate terms on public policy.
He said that the country will be able to function properly only if its citizens reciprocate the concerns of the State. This is possible only if the policies of the State cater to a broader section of citizens.
He further said that there is a growing influence of Private parties and Market leaders in political policy making which has to change. He added that the nexus between the State and the Market Overlords should be broken, referring to the recent developments in States like Karnataka.
He observed that the Nehruvian model of a 'Caring State' which is capable of protecting the interests of all its people should be revived. He said that Nehru had an idea of an activist, caring and autonomous State, which is not Vulnerable and does not get affected by external vested interests of the market. To revive the idea of the Nehruvian nation state, we should take a fresh look at political culture and the role of the State as a provider and evolve a new political culture.
"God forbid that India should ever take to industrialism after the manner of the West
it would strip the world bare like locusts. Unless the capitalists of India help to avert that tragedy by becoming trustees of the welfare of the masses, and by devoting their talents not to amassing wealth for themselves but to the service of the masses in an altruistic spirit, they will end either by destroying the masses or being destroyed by them."
- Mahatma Gandhi