Saturday, June 6, 2015

Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet

                           The Theme of World Environment Day, 2015
                    Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.

The 5 th of June was observed as “World Environment Day” all over the World with fan-fare, but back to Business as Usual from the very next day. There does not seem to be marked change in our life-styles, attitudes and behavior in the Consumption pattern of life supporting Natural Resources.

The Environment includes, Land, Water, Air and Food and the inter-relationship that exists among and between Land, Water, Air and Food and Human Beings, other Living Creatures, Plants, Micro-Organism and Property.

We should stop looking at Land, Water, Air and Food as Commodities, if we care for Human Environment and Planet Earth. We should regard them as the ingredients which constitute our body and as an organic part of the Life-Process.

The protection and improvement of the Human Environment is a major issue which affects the well being of the people and economic development of the whole world.

In the name of so called Economic Development, let us not harm Human Environment. Let us learn to respect, protect and conserve Life Supporting Natural Resources, instead of treating them as Expendable Commodities.

Most Insects, Birds and Animals respect the basic elements of the Nature, unlike the Human Beings who are endowed with the Power of Discrimination.
