A day after a protester was killed in police firing in Jaitapur- west coast of India, protesting against the proposed largest Nuclear Power Park in the world, Sri Jairam Ramesh, Hon'ble Minister for Environment & Forests, GOI is reported to have said what happened in Jaitapur is "most depressing" and it caused him "great anguish."
The minister is also reported to have added that MOEF has "nothing to do with" land acquisition, compensation, economics of nuclear power and nuclear safety-- "Those were not issues that the MoEF is either competent to deal with or it is mandated to deal with. Looking into the environmental aspects of the Nuclear Power Project is the only mandate of his ministry. One should understand this fact,"
Human Environment major Issue!
The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, the implementation of which is mandated with MOEF, has important constitutional implications with international background. The Act clearly drew its inspiration from the proclamation adopted by the United Nations Conference on the "Human Environment" in June 1972 and reaffirmed in June 1992.
"The protection and improvement of the Human Environment is a major issue, which affects the well being of people and economic development throughout the world; it is the urgent desire of the people of whole world and the duty of all governments".
The Environment (Protection) Act 1986
The Act is enacted to enable coordination of activities of the various regulatory agencies, creation of an authority or authorities with advocate powers for environmental protection, regulation of discharge of Environmental Pollutants, speedy response in the event of accidents threatening environment and deterrent punishment to those who endanger Human Environment,( water, air & land and the interrelationship, which exists among and between water, air, land and human beings, other living concerns ,plants, micro-organism and property),Safety and Health.
How can Environmental Aspects be dealt without Nuclear Safety?
How can MOEF, entrusted with the task of enforcing Environment (Protection) Act 1986, can say that nuclear safety Is not the issue that the MoEF is mandated to deal with? How can MOEF Look into the environmental aspects of the Nuclear Power Projects, without addressing Nuclear Safety? These are very serious issues to be left in ambiguity and must be sorted out without any delay
The AERB, in its present form, entrusted with the task of Nuclear Safety, should be scrapped and an independent, autonomous and technically competent body to monitor and regulate Nuclear Safety should be constituted as part of proposed NEAMA, independent of DAE which controls NPCIL.
The people of this country have the right to know about economics of nuclear power and nuclear safety (Articles 21, 39 and 48-A of The Constitution of India), irrespective of the mandate of MOEF.
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